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流香小說 > 其他 > A ghost within my he > A prison of memories

A ghost within my he A prison of memories

作者:Alissa 分類:其他 更新時間:2022-08-07 02:03:31

Whats so different with Marks consciousness, is that he had an entire dark castle as a memory lane. Even the environment was different, as it contained actual texture and physics. Alissa felt as if she was not inside someones mind, but at a different location instead. The illusion that builds up Marks consciousness was basically that powerful…

In fact, there isn even supposed to be any illusion. Based on every mind that Alissa had interacted with before, the place that she finds herself after entering someones mind, is supposed to be an endless white space with balls of core memories floating on top of the surface.

But Mark was different… Instead of the endless white space, it is an empty and rocky terrain that expends beyond the horizon.

As for the balls of memories… Perhaps they are inside of the dark castle…

The sky rumbled. Lightning could be seen passing by… It was not a beautiful day within Marks mind, and bad memories might be the reason for that.

Nonetheless. No matter how moody and eerie the place seems to be, Alissa still decided to take a step forward, and soon headed in to the castle to see what secrets are hidden inside.

With the resolve to find any signs of her lover still being alive, Alissa continued to walk in through the dark and dirty castle. In the end, when she had reached the center of the castle, she had no choice but to choose to continue forward in order to reach the stairways that lead to the higher floors and the basement.

There was nothing in the first floor, thats for sure. Hence, Alissa decided to head off to the stairs. She took the stairs up first, simply because she felt more comfortable going to the second floor first.

On the second floor, there were multiple doors that leads to a room, and so were there in the third and last floor. The doors didn just lead to rooms, of course. Instead, they led to core memories. Events that Mark remembers very well, and illusions of such realities that replays itself over and over again.

Alissa had passed by many of such rooms, and even stopped by a few of them. The reason why, is because some of her had managed to catch her interest. Memories that showed dramatic and sad events, horrible sceneries, and things that Alissa never wanted to see in the first place.

His mother and father fighting every time when he was a kid. His father living life full of worries ever since he became a teenager. Him living without a father for many years, while having to deal with the properties, deals, and sins that his father has left behind, together with his mother. Eventually, there is a room that shows how great the sin of his father has become. Debts that have grown larger. Not debts that are exactly related to money alone, but more to hate, vengeance, and jealousy.

They are all memories, which Alissa never wants to see or mention the thought of again. Too cruel, is the only way she could define Marks life to be. She had no words, as she could only shed tears of sympathy while hastily running downstairs because she saw enough.

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