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流香小說 > 其他 > Claiming His Relucta > No Going Back

Claiming His Relucta No Going Back

作者:Rayna 分類:其他 更新時間:2022-08-08 02:19:36

Rayna ran her hands down the length of her dress, pressing at the folds, as she stood at the entrance of Gillians hut.

A dull beat of the drums could be heard from a distance, hinting at the ongoing celebrations.

It had only been a few moments since Kane had carried a stumbling Gillian here.

As she had expected, the concoction had not taken long to show its effect.

The site of Gillians hut, significantly distant form the rest of them, only served to her purpose.

Almost everyone was back at the arena. The vicinity was lit by the silver moonlight, with not a single torch in sight.

There was no one there to spot her. And even if they did, they would only assume it to be the secret meeting of two lovers, which was exactly what she intended this to be.

As for that girl, Lynette, she had left Olga to make sure that she does not catch a drift of what is happening.

Olga would surely not allow her to leave the arena.

Reassuring herself for the last time, she opened the door softly.

Once inside, she found the hut lit by a warm glow of the fire from the logs in the fireplace.

Rayna ventured closer to the bed kept in the middle, to find the sprawled figure of the man she vowed to have tonight.

Her heart thumped in her chest as she admired the soft rise and fall of his chest. His eyes were closed; his sooty lashes fluttered with each breath he took.

Her will almost wavered when her gaze dropped down to his muscular chest, exposed to the perusal of her eyes.

She found his tunic thrown carelessly across the bedpost.

Rayna felt an irresistible pull towards the bed. She dropped down beside him, seating herself at the edge.

Oh, how magnificent he looked!

For a second, she forgot about her plan. She could not remember why she was here.

That was until she heard his soft groan.

Rayna jumped up with a startled gasp, as she saw him twitch his body.

She waited for him to stand and lash out at her, reminding her of his hatred.

However, nothing of the sort happened. Gillians eyes remained blissfully closed, unaware of the woman who stood staring at him.

She held her palm against her thrashing heart, trying to calm herself.

This was not the time to stall.

She had to accomplish her task before she got caught by anyone.

Or before Gillian regained his senses- something that was highly unlikely at the moment, considering the amount of concoction he had drunk.

Still, it would be better to be vigilant.

Rayna took a deep breath, climbing on top of the bed. She kept her eyes on Gillians face as she threw one of her legs across his pelvis.

She now sat astride him, revelling in the feel of his muscles beneath her.

雅黑 宋體 楷書 卡通
適中 偏大 超大
男聲 女生 逍遙 軟萌
適中 超快
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