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流香小說 > 其他 > Selling to the Warha > A gift to humanity

Selling to the Warha A gift to humanity

作者:Odin 分類:其他 更新時間:2022-08-07 03:00:40


World: Tranchern VI

Type: Feral

Climate: Tundra

Population: unknown estimated 1 million

Planetary governor: none

System: ser-1-b

Subsector: unknown

Sector: affluix

Segmentum: unknown

Tithe Grade: Adeptus non

The space marine input that planets information into the data shard but received nothing. The tablet told him to place it down on the ground and let it scan.

The space marine did so and saw a huge ray of light pierce the sky and the surrounding ground shook. Soon the light and shaking stopped, and the tablet rang.

[world exceeds the time period of data shard. Please give me a minute as I enable thema protocol ]

[unlocked world information. Please take a look.]

[world: cer-8

Gravity: 1.7G

Day cycle time 27hr

Revolution time: 366 years

Star: cer-A

Type: winter world

Population: 762 trillion (previously) 2 million (current)

Galaxy milky way

Distance from sol: 42,000 thousand light years ]

[I have detected two compatible data shards. Would you like to duplicate the data between the three?]

The space marine clicked no for now before he got the data on how to survive in this world he showed it to the two guardsmen who were stranded with him before he took the other data shards and searched for weapons and winter clothing so they could survive.

While, for the space marine, the winter was nothing; the guardsmen were mere mortals and could not survive long in the near 0 temperature. He also needed more weapons as the guardsmen had run out of energy cells and he had very little ammo as well.

He decided to make crossbows as they matched the weapons they had and could easily make ammo using wood. It was easy to make and had quite a bit of power for its primitive nature. Of course, against a demon or other things, it might not work, but it helped for now.

The space marine told the two to stay in the cave and left to hunt some animals for fur. He had seen some creatures that resembles lions nearby and had decided to hunt them for food and clothing

Following the traces they left, he soon found another cave outside where two white tigers were resting. Compared to the normal ones, these were much bigger and had more muscles than tigers. It was like comparing a kitten to a tiger. They might be felines, but the difference was too huge.

The Tigers were called forstmares as while they looked like tigers; they were actually beings of frost energy. The forstmares were very intelligent, having the intelligence of a 10-year-old. They weighed 3 tons and could easily run at 100mph for an hour straight. They also had supernatural abilities.

The space marine met eyes with the forstmares and rushed at them with his hammer. The forstmare roared, its mouth opened sideways, revealing rows of sharp teeth. The wind seemed to stir and engulf the tiger, shielding it, but as the gravity hammer made contact, the tiger was crushed under its own weight.

Quickly turning around the space marine swung the hammer with one hand and hit the tigers head. It was cleanly lopped off as if it was cut. The body continued to move, but soon dropped to the side.

The space marine took out his combat knife and started to remove the white fur and chunks of meat. He did this to both the tigers and used one fur as a backpack that would hold the meat before he quickly left.

As he walked back to the cave in his peripheral vision, he saw a man in black standing close to him. He quickly turned to look, but saw nothing. He became alerted and quickly turned around to make his way back, but he saw the figure close to him.

The man was covered in black metal armor that seemed to be connected to his skin. A symbol of his failure, he carried two weapons on his back, a huge sword bigger than the space marine, and a scythe that seemed to slice into his soul. His hands were covered with long claws that tore into reality and revealed the true nothingness that covered it.

The figure easily stood above the space marine standing at 21 feet. His red and grey eyes held disgust, seemingly at everything. As he made eye contact, the space marine had visions of his past. He remembered his induction. He remembered all his hopes and dreams he saw all 200 years of his life and saw a figure standing in all of them.

It was a figure he had known had been there since his birth and today he had finally clearly seen it.

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男聲 女生 逍遙 軟萌
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