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流香小說 > 其他 > Selling to the Warha > Sigrid

Selling to the Warha Sigrid

作者:Odin 分類:其他 更新時間:2022-08-07 03:00:40

Since they had left the city, it had been two weeks and one week since he spoke to Løvinne. He had now returned to see more of the city and to get the armor the warriors used and maybe even a knight.

This time he did not wear his suit, as he had learned that he was immune to most diseases, so it wouldn affect him while he was in this world. Of course, he couldn reveal himself still, as his height would be a dead giveaway later on, but he learned there was an item that could allow him to change sizes. But he had to get lucky to draw a late level 2 item.

As he wandered the city, he looked at the phone he had stolen from a random person. He had been reading the news since he had gotten this phone, as he wanted to get a hold of current events in this world.

Most were just talking about Ulven becoming a terrorist or the like. Very few were showing anything good. Odin decided to just find a lone warrior and rob his armor and probably find a knights house and steal their mech.


On the city wall, a man covered in thick plates of armor walked around. He lazily looked at the forest before he turned back and kept walking. He once thought becoming a warrior would bring prestige and wealth, but in the end, he was no different than the common soldier, just covered in thicker plates of armor.

His life seemed so empty. His family was gone and all he had was this idle job where he would someday die, or maybe he was already dead. He just didn know it.

The man felt a strong force stop him and before he knew it; he appeared in the forest. He could not grasp the situation as his armor was taken off, and a sword entered his heart. He was confused, but not afraid. No, he was joyful. He could finally be at peace and not deal with the **ty life he currently lived.

But at the same time, his body struggled to survive, but it quickly ceased its struggle. Odins sword burned the man quickly, and the ashes went off to become fertilizer for a young sapling. The cycle of nature continued. Odin looked at the ashes before he disappeared heading back into the city.

Odin arrived at the high-end district where the citys government officials lived. This was also where the knights lived. There was only one house in this city called house Vann.

House Vann had been established ten years after they had arrived. They were part of a group called colonialists, as, unlike the rest of the people, they had lost knowledge from the colony ship. After a long time, some had been lost or stolen, but they still knew how to repair their mechs, which kept them at the top.

There existed 5 colonialist houses house Vann was ranked third right in the middle. They were led by Sigrid Vann and considered by many to be the best knight in history. She led the 51st retaking of the colony ship, but she failed because of the druids using a strong spell that had summoned a demonic beast.

She was already 290 years old and was second to Greg, who was 300 years old, but unlike Greg, who looked to be at deaths door, Sigrid looked to be in her mid-thirties.

Odin easily entered the guarded warehouse of house Vann. The 10-meter mechs laid dormant, Odin walked around looking for the perfect one. Odin soon spotted one that looked to be pretty new. It was still at least 18 thousand years old, but it was the most likely to have better components to study.

Odin connected with the dormant A.I and shut it down before taking the mech with him. The mech that was twice his height disappeared and Odin quickly left as the alarms rung because of the huge weight decrease in the warehouse.

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男聲 女生 逍遙 軟萌
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