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流香小說 > 其他 > Selling to the Warha > Adaptation

Selling to the Warha Adaptation

作者:Odin 分類:其他 更新時間:2022-08-07 03:00:40

The lyssavirus named after the goddess of rage and fury, one type of lyssavirus we know, is rabies, which is a neurotropic virus.

Once bitten, the Rabies virus first replicates in striated muscle tissue at the site of inoculation. It then enters the peripheral nervous system at the neuromuscular junctions and spreads up the nerves to the central nervous system, where it replicates exclusively within the gray matter.

Once inside the neurons, they use Dynein motors to transport themselves to the nucleus. Unlike the civilian cells in the rest of our body that release interferons to alert about an infection, they tell other cells to lower protein production for a while to slow the viral spread and tell cells to become transparent.

The cells make MHC class 1 molecules to display themselves so the immune cells can see if they are infected. If the cell is infected, the immune cell will order the infected cell to kill itself.

But lyssavirus stops neurons from producing interferons, making them basically invisible. What helps it keep it more stealthy is that lyssavirus doesn kill its host, giving it more time to reproduce.

It slowly jumps from neuron to neuron until it reaches the brain. The time of infection can take from 10 days to a year, depending on where the infected was bitten and how much of the virus was transmitted.

Once at the brain stem, the immune system finally reacts and notices that something is wrong. The immune system releases killer T-cells to wipe out the virus in normal viral infections. This would be a turning point, but for lyssavirus its useless.

The lyssavirus uses the immune system against itself by having neurons order the T-cells to kill themselves. Once the brain stem is infected the host will die but there is a treatment for rabies using vacancies we can prep the immune system to fight the virus because of the infection time people who are bitten with the virus can still take the vaccine to stop the virus.

Of course, this is only before the symptoms stage there is no known treatment for once the virus infects the brain.

Odin absorbed the knowledge on virology as he looked at the infected blood sample. Odin calmly worked as he conducted the research. His mind was fully dedicated to the virus as he used his tools to further understand the little but ravenous monster.

As he studied the virus, he relied on the knowledge of genetics from his Baphomet gene. Slowly navigating through the unknown till night came and soon left, till day came and soon left. It was only after the second night arrived that Odin had finished the knowledge of the past and the future had combined to make something new.

Odin seem to feel the collective mind of all of humanity looking down at him after 2.6 million years of progress trial and error till something new was finally created. Odin felt a strong presence in front of him. It seemed to connect to his soul to his very essence, and his erratic mind calmed down.

Odin closed his eyes, but instead of darkness, he saw an infinite ocean of stars. His body had the martial strength to tear stars with his mere hands. His mind seemed enlightened above creation, as if he understood the nature of all. All these things were still insignificant to one thing, something that all life had within them, the thing that allowed one to have mental and physical prowess and that was adaptation.

The same thing that made humanity the rulers of the earth Odin felt within himself, burning like the very universe. His body evolved one step higher, slowly reaching the point of perfection. His mind seemed to be injected with mystical concepts.

Each correlated with one thing, but he felt closer to that mystical and technological art of technomancy and also the natural force from the flesh of biomancy. As he opened his eyes, he felt connected with the surrounding machines. His body felt more in control, as if it was a puppet that he controlled with invisible strings.

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