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流香小說 > 其他 > Selling to the Warha > Asking a sage for 'help'

Selling to the Warha Asking a sage for 'help'

作者:Odin 分類:其他 更新時間:2022-08-07 03:00:40

Odin left his house to get food he had waited till 8 PM but no one had entered the store so Odin left as he was hungry.

As he walked on the sidewalk many advertisements could be seen about martial arts dojos.

While this world was like our earth there was a huge difference and that was martial arts. These people loved fighting and had established a system of ranking while martial artists weren that strong they couldn rip tanks in half or the like but there did exist people that matched that description called sages.

After the grand master realm there existed people that could absorb the energy of the world to surpass the limits of humans. These descriptions matched those of fantasy cultivators but the sages weren as strong as thought.

While sages were stronger than normal humans they still had limits. They could lift on average 1.5 tons run at a constant 50 mph and leap 20 feet in the air but they still could not dodge a bullet. All it took was one precise shot and down they went of course this still tempted most people as who wouldn wanna be that fast even the fame and wealth gained were immeasurable.

Still, those sages said that there were many realms above them and at the top one could even become a demi-God or even God himself. Of course, whether that was true or not was unknown but the existence of the sages gave hope to many.

Odin attended a dojo as mandatory by the government but did not try as he saw it as useless. It took people decades to reach that level and all it took was a bullet to knock them down so why waste time on it instead of living?

While he didn like martial arts he still studies them as most people knew martial arts and if he was ever mugged he could at least escape if he knew the weakness of his opponent.

Odin was considered a savant anything he put his effort into he could master but if it didn interest him then he wouldn even bother. Many times he had revealed a flaw in a teachers teachings yet when it came to him doing it he wouldn bother.

He had knowledge but did not utilize it this had made many teachers disappointed as he was a promising star yet did nothing with his gift.

He entered the restaurant and ordered his food he looked over his phone and noticed that one of those sages had arrived in his town. Apparently, he was trying to find his future heir to his martial arts.

I kinda wanna try my ability and see if I can smack his bald head? Odin thought as he saw the shining bald head the old sage had.

With that thought, Odin opened up his search engine and found out where the old man was residing. The hotel was only ten minutes away from him so Odin returned home and got into his car and drive to the hotel.


Entering the hotel Odin went up the stairs and took the elevator to the top floor. He made in all the way up to the 100th floor and easily walked past the confused bodyguards.

Odin had his ability active all the time it was like holding his breath except he didn feel like he was holding it. He waited for a man to open the door and quickly rushed in before anyone realized it.

Odins heart was beating quickly but he was not nervous he was excited. Odin made his way to the main room of the sage and entered the old man was not there so he waited.

After half an hour, the old man finally arrived the man sat on the bed and started to meditate. This was something the sages did so they could absorb the spirit energy or qi as they called it. Odin got up and walked up to the old man and slapped his head hard.

The loud smack seemed much louder than it was in the quiet room. The old mans eyes snapped wide open and he looked around but saw no one.

Odin held in a laugh and then thought of something.

雅黑 宋體 楷書 卡通
適中 偏大 超大
男聲 女生 逍遙 軟萌
適中 超快
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