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The Guide of Another Ten Years Ago

作者:Theo 分類:其他 更新時間:2022-08-08 02:13:36

Rosalina Blumfield. If the introductions displayed at the start of the game are correct. It was stated that Rosalina was someone from Earth who transmigrated ten years ago.

So, Theo thought that Rosalina should already have a social media account. The question now is, has the account been deleted or not?

If so, then Theodore had to search the list of missing persons on the police website. That too if Rosalina is a citizen of that country.

Theodore typed Rosalinas name in the internet search page. Press enter and a list of pages with the name Rosalina Blumfield appears.

But the first few site listings in the search are news sites. Not a social media site. A news site whose headline left Theo stunned. Because those sites will tell you one thing.

A traffic accident that resulted in the death of a girl named Rosalina Blumfield.

Theodore fell silent for a moment. At the initial introduction, the game only explained that Rosalina had moved to another world. Does not explain further that before the woman moved, she was a victim of an accident.

So... if she manages to come back, then Rosalina can come back to life? No, first of all, what about her body?

Question after question popped up in Theos head. He opened one of the articles. Under the title, there are two photos, the first is a photo of the street where the incident took place. The second is a photo of Rosalina Blumfield.

A photo showing the face of a girl who looks like Rosalina in the game Isekai Guide. Of course the face in the photo is much younger. However, with the photo, Theo was convinced that the Rosalina in the game was indeed a real person.

The problem now is, at the end of the article, it is also written that Rosalinas body has been buried. That means, the womans body has died on Earth.

In that case, was it only Rosalinas soul that transmigrated? However, she now has a body. Then if she returned to Earth, did she return with that body? Or is it just the soul? Her body on Earth was probably already bones!

Ugh, this is confusing.

Theo opened the article on another site. He also opened a social media site used by Rosalina. See the address of her house.

Theo read the articles one by one. The more he read, the more he began to recall an incident he had long forgotten. The articles now made Theodore freeze in disbelief.

Because what happened to Rosalina might have something to do with Theo ten years ago.

In the article, it was reported that Rosalina died after helping a student who was about to be hit by a truck that violated a traffic light. Witnesses said the girl pushed the student. Unfortunately, she didn manage to escape, and allowed herself to be run over.

Reading the article made Theos heart beat fast. Sweat started running down his body. His hand holding the mouse trembled.

Chronology of events, location, and time. Everything made Theo recall one of the memories buried in his brain. Because... the student that Rosalina saved at that time was...

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