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流香小說 > 其他 > The Legend of the Fo > Military Academy

The Legend of the Fo Military Academy

作者:Leo 分類:其他 更新時間:2022-08-06 01:15:35

What is humanity? Does everything have it, or is it exclusive to sentient beings on the level of humans? Or is it exclusive to humans and only humans? What about demons and angels?

The deceptive angel falsely makes humans believe they are holy beings sent to vanquish all evil. Sent into this world out of spite, they

e just as bad as the demons they so vehemently hate.

What about the demons? So monstrous even their creator barely recognizes them anymore. Once created out of a curiosity and want for children. But now seemingly bent on destroying the angels, no matter what gets in the way.

Lets not forget humans, their greed knowing no bounds. They kill the planet they live on and then decide to kill each other in senseless wars. They mess with boundaries set by the gods themselves and expect no reprimands. If all three of these races are just as bad as each other, surely, they all have humanity.

Its probably just rotten to the core.

One years later.

Seemingly at the age of eighteen, a young man stood calmly in front of a glass door. He felt a firm hand on his shoulder. Looking over he saw a very tall and tired man with a weak, yet warm smile. The young man, Leonardo, just laughed through his nose while shaking his head. He entered the building inside of a building.

A year had passed, and he was still as pale as ever, which was extremely. One might even confuse him as a ghost if they saw him late at night. Leo still dyed his hair black, and he had grown considerably and was now six feet and two inches tall. He was wearing a normal hoodie with some jeans.

He was currently in a skyscraper dubbed the Tower, inside were many departments for a single organization. The Abyss was the government network for demons near and far. Currently, the young man was entering a café inside the Tower.

It was a place where the people in the Tower could relax and get a bite to eat. The aroma inside the café proved the skill of the people making the food and drinks. Currently, Leo was just here to wait.

The café was built like an entirely different building, rather than like the skyscraper it resides in. Instead of looking like a dull skyscraper, it was built primarily of stained wood, and it had a homey feeling.

Upon entering, a little old lady without care about her appearance stood before him. She wore a loose shirt and a pair of sweatpants; the shirt had a slight stain on it near her hip. Her hair was fiercely pulled into a bun making the young man wonder how her hair hadn fallen out yet.

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