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Unlimited balance Playing Games

作者:Xu Zhou 分類:其他 更新時間:2022-08-08 02:46:13

Xu Zhou returned to the office and finished the decoration according to the design drawings he gave. ...

Looking around with satisfaction, Xu Zhou sat on his office chair and turned on the computer.

Before he had no system, he also liked to play games, because the game can temporarily isolate the real world, which can allow many people to find solace in the game, and can also pass the time.

At the beginning, Xu Zhou often played a game under a company called Net Difficult Games, and it is said that this company has released a new flagship martial arts game called Shun Huo Nuan.

At the beginning, Xu Zhou was very interested, but because of his life and work, Xu Zhou suppressed this interest. After all, life is the most important thing.

Now that he has time and money, Xu Zhou plans to play games to pass the time.

Xu Zhou is indeed an old player of the online hard game. In addition, he is rich now. He did not immediately enter the game to create a new character, but directly entered the Treasure Pavilion. After finding a server with the most money turnover, he chose In the account transaction column, I looked at the account number.

After Xu Zhou entered, he directly screened, and started screening the prices from high to low.

Xu Zhou glanced at the most expensive, level 85 and level 80 Promise Weapons, except for helmets and shoes, which were all three rare entries with a score of 200,000 and a price of 200,000.

Xu Zhou did not hesitate to pay for it directly.

Xu Zhou had been fascinated by the game Shun Huo Nuan for a long time. Now that he has money, he is naturally playing the best number. It was just in time for the account transaction that opened the Treasure Pavilion, so Xu Zhou naturally would not hesitate.

According to normal recharge, if Xu Zhou wants to build such an account, it will cost at least millions of dollars. This is not to recharge the net difficult game company, but to the players in the game, to purchase equipment and purchase money and then make equipment. Wait for the money spent.

Not to mention the time spent during the period, so the 200,000 account that Xu Zhou bought was a guaranteed profit.

After purchasing the account, Xu Zhou quickly changed his phone number and other information, and then he logged into the game.

Before that, Xu Zhou had been fascinated by the warmth of the fire, so he had also paid attention to a lot of the gameplay in it. He knew that the daily gameplay in it was four books, one dragon, and darts.

As soon as he entered the game, many peoples private chats appeared in the lower right corner of Xu Zhou. Xu Zhou clicked on one at will, and most of them came to ask if it was him.

Xu Zhou returned to a few people at random and said that after the number owner had been replaced, he found that he could not finish the call at all. He could only open the Treasure Pavilion in the game to find Qianli Sound Transmission, and sent a message to inform that the number had been replaced. .

As soon as Xu Zhou finished speaking, it was a person whose ID was Lianyunzhais most rogue boy who also sent a thousand-mile voice transmission:

雅黑 宋體 楷書 卡通
適中 偏大 超大
男聲 女生 逍遙 軟萌
適中 超快
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