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Wills system Duo Shrine

作者:Adrian 分類:其他 更新時間:2022-08-08 02:34:48

Wait who are you? I have never saw you before. Zuri asked Gin

My name is Gin and I work in the kings castle. Gin lied

I know everyone who works inside the castle but I have never saw you. Zuri replied

That is because I am new.

Adrian looked at Gin in a suspicious way; he really didn believe him.

So that is Adrian who the master speaks about non-stop. He is really weak and it looks like he didn master ki because his aura is faint. I think it is better to gain his trust first. Gin thought

The door of the shrine opened slowly and a dead monk was floating in their direction. He was the ugliest monk you could ever imagine. He had no hair and his complexion was that of a mummy, also he had bandages all over his head.

Welcome to the duo shrine. My name is Kelf and I am the master of this shrine. If you want to save the forest you should pass the test.

What should we do to pass your test. Adrian asked. He was getting really suspicious.

The monk smilled Simply survive and slaughter. Kill all the monsters in every level. Once you killed them all the demon tower will vanish and you will get a reward.

The monk raised his hand and said an in-understandable incantation. A red orb appeared in his hand.

Behold the Orb of the Emperor.

Both Zuri, Gin and War were shocked when he said the name of the orb.

How is this possible? Didn this orb just vanish from existance! Zuri and Gin asked at the same time.

A window appeared in front of Adrian:

[Orb of the Emperor]

[Rank: super V]

[This orb grants its user control over the army of gashadokuro.]

This orbs rank is very high, It is a priceless artifact but what is gashadokuro. Adrian thought


[A gashadokuro also known as starving skeleton is an exotic half dead human. They are very powerful as that the weakest gashadokuro is ranked uncommon III.]

The weakest gashadokuro is ranked uncommon III. I am ranked uncommon IV so these guys are really a threat. Adrian thought

We will take your test. Adrian replied

Kelf smilled.

But how can we know that this is the real Orb of the Emperor. War asked

Legiones rise.

When the orb glowed red thousands of starving skeletons rose from the ground. They all had shields and swords with them. They were ready to fight anytime.

Now do you believe me.

No one said anything.

Legiones return.

All the gashadokuro returned to the earth.

Please enter. Kelf said

They stepped the shrine. At first the shrine was dark but when they entered it glowed with white and red.

This place gives me goosebumps. War said

After 2 minutes of walking they found a wall. When Kelf muttered an in-understandable incantation the wall flipped and two tablets appeared.

uri and War please touch the red tablet. Adrian and Gin please touch the white tablet. Kelf ordered

Why do we use the white tablet and not use the red tablet. Adrian asked

You and Gin aren eligible to use the red tablet. Your rank is lower than the requirments to enter the test. So both of you will go through a training session.

See you there brother. Zuri said as he smilled at Adrian.

Don die out there. War said

Adrian smilled at Zuri and War. They touched the tablets and disappeared.

[Learn ki before fighting the boss.]

雅黑 宋體 楷書 卡通
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男聲 女生 逍遙 軟萌
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