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A ghost within my he A dangerous confession

作者:Alissa 分類:其他 更新時間:2022-08-07 02:03:31

Under the red sky, there were two young people near the edge of a cliff, staring at the descending sun beyond the horizon of the sea...

A fire was already lit between the two, and even snacks such as marshmallows and coffee were already prepared...

The two young people were enjoying some kind of picnic. They circled the fire, took some sips of coffee, and in the process of doing that, they also stared at the setting sun beyond the horizon.

Perhaps if it was night, the mood between the two youngsters wouldve been even more romantic...

Beautiful stars would be visible in the dark night. Cold air would breeze through the two youngsters, which would bring them towards the warmth of the fire, and closer to each other...

Unfortunately, romance wasn the purpose of those two youngsters. They were just friends, after all.

Or were they?

One things for sure, and thats that their friendship is likely to be one sided. One only saw the other as a friend, while the other saw one as an ideal partner.

Whats strange however, is that those two have been going out together on many occasions.

Amusement parks, concerts, traveling abroad, and to make matters worse, is they even went to valentine themed events.

Those two were basically friends who act and look like a couple, but aren a couple. The reason why, is because one of them had made quite the worst mistake in their earlier days.

Alissa was that persons name. A girl who had made it clear to the guy that she likes, that shes lesbian. Be as it may, shes in fact not lesbian...

She had never intended to make such a lie up in the first place. However, because she was afraid to approach and confess to the guy that she likes, her insecurities and lack of confidence made such a lie on accident.

Back then, when she had first approached the guy that she has a crush on, she felt beyond nervous. It was exactly because of that, and some other underlying factors, why her voice and body language went for a sudden change, when the guy showed her his curiosity.

She acted gay due to panicking, because she was afraid to reveal her feelings to the guy.

The reason why she was afraid to reveal her feelings to him, was because she was insecure about herself, and afraid of rejection. Hence why, as a result, she instinctively acted as if she is someone who is very comfortable around guys.

Sadly, her goal was beyond becoming comfortable around the guy.

A goal, which she had a hard time succeeding in, no matter the amount of times she met the guy over and over again.

In the beginning, when she was still in her earlier stages of living with her lie, she was happy that she was able to get closer with the guy. However, there was always a limit to that closeness...

Eventually, the more time passed, the more it became difficult for her to endure the discomfort of her own lie. The guy was genuinely starting to get comfortable with her lie, which made confessing her love for him much harder for her, because she had a second problem, which is her lie.

Weeks had become months, months had become years...

As their friendship deepened, Alissa knew that she had to do something in order to escape the trap that she had put herself into.

Starting from not too obvious dates, all the way to romantic places that definitely would have couples falling in love…

All that, but the guy wasn able to catch a hint, just because of that one solid obstacle that she had made herself.

Its obvious why the guy wouldn think of her in a romantic way. Other than some underlying factors, he might have seen the dates that she had suggested for him to go to along with her, as a way of her wanting to experience those places without having to be intimate.

Of course, he might have been quite curious to know why Alissa would often suggest for him and her to go out to such places for couples. But obviously, after the amount of years that theyve been friends, he didn want to show disrespect to her choice of sexuality. Thats why he had never suggested the idea of being more than friends, or even questioned the fact if Alissa is really gay.

As a result, the relation between those two, are quite, complicated…

But Alissa has had enough of all the complicated stuff. She wanted to know the truth. She wanted a real romantic relationship. She wanted to get married. She wanted to have kids!

With such a resolve in mind, she decided that there will be no lies in between her and him anymore.

Today is the day that I will come clean! Was what she thought, determined.

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