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Claiming His Relucta The Mad Prince

作者:Rayna 分類:其他 更新時間:2022-08-08 02:19:36

Something was wrong with him. Something very wrong, indeed.

When had he ever been so affected by a mere woman? Never.

And that was precisely why this new development was worrisome.

Algar did not need any distraction. He already had enough to deal with.

But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn get those enchanting eyes off his mind.

Who was she? And how was she able to affect him thus?

He let out a sigh of frustration as he paced the length of his chamber. The memory of her delectable body, bent before him, sent ripples of pleasure through his body.

The way her mouth had enveloped his member, it almost seemed like it was made for him.

He stopped abruptly when he felt a stir in his groin, causing him to curse viciously under his breath.

How could a simple memory excite him like this?

Already, those wretched ministers ridiculed him for his age, proclaiming his inability to rule; and now, he was acting just like an uncontrollable boy.

If they knew about his present predicament, they would have even more reason to declare him unfit for the throne.

He could not let that woman affect him like this. He had to remain clearheaded and determined- that was how a King was supposed to act, not impulsive and unduly excited over a small episode.

But all the reasoning did little to dispel the bulge that still strained his trousers. He had had several women to please him over the years, but none had affected him like this strange woman.

They were all spectacular at their tasks; but behind their seductions, lay an unmistakable hesitation and fear... A stark wariness of his motivations.

They were all afraid of him.

And he knew why.

He knew the people resented him for overthrowing his fathers rule so callously. They cursed him for treating the old King so poorly, and for killing his dissenters recklessly. But Algar did not have any other choice.

The people did not understand his predicament. They knew not of the bad blood between him and his father.

They were unaware of his fathers animosity towards him- his own son.

Algar had never truly loved his father. He had tried to, but it had been hard when the King loved his Kingdom more than his own son.

He was the ideal ruler for his subjects. They hailed him for ushering in an era of peace and harmony. But in his own sons life, he remained a distant presence- too busy caring for the people of his Kingdom, to have time to care for his own son.

And over the years, Algar had accepted that truth.

He had even begun to value the same thing as his father.

The kingdom was now more important to him that his own father.

And he was ready to do anything to accomplish his goal.

The time for his fathers rule had ended. It was now his turn.

And he was not going to let a woman from some distant clan ruin his dreams.

But that was proving to be difficult with every passing second. Time seemed to be testing his resolution.

The moment he had seen those dark eyes, he had been enchanted.

He could have easily sent her to death; he should have done just that. But he had been unable to get the words out of his mouth.

He saw in her eyes what he had seen in many others- surprise and doubt, doubtless the result of his young age. She must have expected someone older.

He knew she thought him to be a fool. She thought she could manipulate him. It was as apparent as the love she carried for her child.

Despite knowing all this, Algar had let her live.


He would be fooling himself if he said it was because of the information she carried. He could have gotten that information from anywhere.

In fact, he didn even need it.

Those dogs he had sent to her village, had been useless. But that simple fact was not going to stop him from attacking her clan.

He could easily annihilate her entire village if he so desired. But he was not going to do that.

That would be too easy. He will instead wait for them to come to him; something which would seemingly be sooner than he had expected.

Thus, for now, he will let her think she has won. He will let her savour that false victory, while he tries to decipher the reason behind his inability to resist this womans pull.

The idea elicited a light chuckle from him, breaching the silence.

Yes, that would be a good game.

He recalled the flare of offense that had flashed in her eyes when he had commanded her to clean herself up. What she did not know, was that he had been on the brink of losing his restraint.

Distancing himself from her was imperative. He couldn let her enjoy the knowledge of her influence on him.

He couldn let her know that her coy smile, fearless gaze and soft lips, had been too difficult for him to resist. He had never known a woman, so uninhabited and full of surety and confidence.

Her eyes had challenged him to resist her- like she knew he would lose; and that was what he faced- a colossal loss, one he didn regret.

Every fibre of his being had wanted nothing more than to pin her down on the floor and ravage her body. He had been dying to conquer her spirit, till the last vestiges of her fierceness was snuffed out.

And hence, he had used that flimsy excuse.

He had pretended to be disgusted by her dirty self, deftly hiding his arousal.

In reality, she had looked nothing short of a goddess- a bruised and beaten, but still ravishing goddess. The scars and dirt seemed to accentuate her unbendable spirit; everything about her was irresistible.

He had never meant to send her to his men. The second he saw her, he knew he would keep her for himself. There was no chance of letting another man lay his hands on her.

The simple discovery of the child in her womb, had been enough to make him itch with envy.

There was a man out there- a man who had already had a taste of this remarkable woman. But he soon intended to purge that mans memory out of her senses.

She had vowed to make him forget about any other woman...and he was gladly going to return the favour.

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