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Wills system (2)Level 1

作者:Adrian 分類:其他 更新時間:2022-08-08 02:34:48

The soul reapers were approaching Zuri, trying to suck his soul. They were laughing but their voices were way to ugly.

I hope we don die both because of what I am going to do. War said

She blasted the demons close to Zuri, grabbed him and made a run for it. The soul reapers chased them.

Why did he choose soul reapers, why couldn it be marshmallow puppies or something like this.

Adrian and Gin were a perfect duo, they slaughtered thousands of moroi but still there were more. A window appeared over Adrian:

[Time remaining: 15s]

Oh ** I don have enough time. And I can only use my skills one time because I didn master ki. Adrian thought

Gin was about to get his soul drained by a gang of moroi.

Oh sh*t I am cornered. Gin said

Adrian shot a massive minature sun in Gins direction, that disintegrated most of the moroi. Suddenly! Adrians body went limp and fell to the ground.

Oh sh*t l, I have used a huge amount of my life force in this attack.

Adrians vision was getting blurry and was losing control over his body. He tried to stand up but he collapsed.

I have to get out of here. Gin said

A door suddenly opened in front of Gin. At the same time a gang of moroi were trying to kill Adrian.

War stopped running and dropped Zuri. She said an incantation that sucked her ki and shaped it into a fire barrier that covered them. War returned into her original form and was about to collapse. The soul reapers reached them and began to hit the fire barrier.

The soul reapers are probably going to destroy the barrier. Even if they couldn the barrier is going to vanish after 4 hours. And I have even used some of my life force to make this barrier. So What do I do now? War thought

Zuri was getting paler and paler every passing second. The scythe didn just cut his arm it cut some of his soul. Every second his soul is getting destroyed bit by bit. He will probably die after one hour.

Why do I have to do this? Gin said as he cut the heads of the moroi that were trying to kill Adrian.

He carried Adrian and ran towards the door. When they entered the room the door automatically closed. The room inside was dark and cold and seemed to be more spacious than the room outside.

So know what do I do. This Kelf guy is nuts so we won let us rest for long. I am sure he has something in store for us.

Gin said an incantation that made him glow. He continued to say the incantation until a small ball of ki was visible in his hand. He moved close to Adrian and put that ki ball into his chest.

Oh no this is not good at all. War exclaimed.

A giant soul reaper was heading in their way. He looked like the soul reapers but he was extremely stronger and held a black-blue scythe. He didn wear a hoodie so his ugly face was visible. He had a blank face with no eyes, no mouth and no nose or hair.

When Adrian woke up flames erupted on the numerous torches that were packed tightly on the walls.

D*mn you Kelf if we get out of here alive I will be sure to kill you. Adrian get up we are going to have a death match with him.

In the end of the room sat Dracula. He was fast asleep. A window appeared in front of them:

[The boss will wake up after 1 hour.]

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