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流香小說 > 其他 > A ghost within my he > Drugged

A ghost within my he Drugged

作者:Alissa 分類:其他 更新時間:2022-08-07 02:03:31

After Mark had disappeared off into the distance, Alissa let out a sigh before entering her kitchen. The reason why she went to the kitchen, was so she could wash the cup that Mark had made use of. Having too much dishes to wash isn a good thing, after all. Not only that, but a cup is quite easy to wash, as long as its not tainted with a great amount of grease.

Well of course, theres a greater reason for Alissas act of washing the cup. Apparently, it wasn just coffee that Alissa had given Mark. Alissa had actually added some drugs in the coffee, which would put Mark to good sleep later.

Her little plan, was to get into Marks mind while he is soundlessly asleep…

The cause of such a plan of hers, is her inability to enter Marks mind. He was always fully alerted, he has a strong will, and perhaps he had also gained a greater resistance against mental attacks after the suicidal night. Not only that, but whether he is awake or not, he is always overly cautious. He easily gets alerted whenever he hears or feels something wrong.

Every time Alissa tries to get into his head while hes asleep, he would wake up immediately, which made taking control over his mind impossible for Alissa. After all, the mind defenses are greater whenever its aware of its surrounding.

Obviously, with Marks insane mind defenses, Alissa could only give up taking over his mind. The only best time for Alissa to try is when hes asleep, however, even when hes asleep, hes quite alerted. This of course, only leaves Alissa in an endless cycle of failure. She can meddle with his mind whenever hes awake, and she also do it whenever hes asleep, due to his sensitive and cautious nature that would wake him up whenever she tries to.

Truly, Alissa was hopeless, as she had no way of entering Marks mind in order to find the answers that shes looking for.

How am I ever going to get you back, Evan? She had wondered at that time, after her countless failures.

Thats when she came up with one of her brilliant plans. To search for a drug that can put him to deep sleep…

This day, is the day she decided to make use of her substitute plans. She had already succeeded in taking over the body of someone that is decently close to Mark, and now it was time for her to search for the secrets that Mark is keeping from her. Even if she might only able to access his mind for a short minute, shed take that opportunity, because that opportunity is just what she is in need of…

It didn take too long for the opportunity to arrive. When Mark came back from his morning jog, he seemed more exhausted than usual. He wasn panting or anything like that of course. He was just mentally tired…

Because Alissa didn want Mark to get suspicious and assume that she had drugged him, she made sure to not interact with him when he came back. Unless he goes to her himself, she was not willing to reveal her face to him.

Luckily, Mark did not bother to talk to her at all. After his jog, he went straight towards his home, took a quick shower, and went to bed immediately. As to why Mark wasn suspicious of Elena, thats because he had every reason to be mentally tired. Mark has been overworking himself with his workouts, he has been having a lot of nightmares, and he has been feeling mentally challenged lately.

Mark believes that all of that is caused by his mental trauma. Thats why he had no problem in believing that the problem is himself and not some drug.

But of course, his assumptions are wrong…

When Mark showed no signs of being awake for more than fifteen minutes, Alissa decided to enter his mind. She had already left Elenas body a while ago, when she saw Mark enter his home. Of course, in order to not have her plans ruined, she had made sure to alter Elenas memories.

What Elena remembers, is what Alissa allowed her to see. It is exactly like a memory. Some parts are missing, or can not be remembered very well. The part that Alissa didn show Elena of course, is obviously the part where she had added drugs into Marks coffee. It wouldn make sense for Elena to make Drugged coffee, after all…

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