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流香小說 > 其他 > A ghost within my he > Another failure

A ghost within my he Another failure

作者:Alissa 分類:其他 更新時間:2022-08-07 02:03:31

There, close to Artemis, Alissa was making her way closer and closer. As she made her way, she tried to remain as silent as possible, and didn even dare to form a thought. She was like a phantom. A slow moving one in fact, and one that can enter a humans body upon reaching a proximity close enough.

Like the usual, it didn even take more than a second for Alissa to enter a consciousness. Entering Artemiss consciousness was a success, and all that was left for Alissa to do was to paint the memory plane with her own consciousness. By painting the memory plane with her own consciousness, the memory plane will be under her control, and shell be the consciousness that is in charge of the body as a result.

Whats strange and quite unattractive, is that Alissa had to arrive in a memory plane that looks almost similar to Marks. Almost of course, because it was technically quite incomparable to his, however, it was also incomparable to the memory planes of the average human.

Whats so different about Artemiss memory plane, is that her memory plane also consisted of a certain environment. Hers was a small island containing a few trees, which floated in an endless void of sky blue. Her memory plane was unlike Marks, whose land expanded beyond the horizon, and whose memory plane even contains a detailed castle of memories. Her memory plane was also unlike the average too, which has no land, nor any storage place for the core memories.

Artemiss memories are stored in glass-like apples that grows on the trees. They were basically like the orb of memories of the average, but in the shape of an apple, and on a tree.

I should study her memories first… Alissa thought instead of speaking out her words. She didn know if Artemis could hear her after all, and if she can, it will definitely not be a good thing. Alissa would certainly get kicked out, especially since Artemis knows a thing about spirits.

But how am I supposed to get all the way up there? Alissa wondered.

In the memory plane, she basically only has a physical-like body. She could not float, fly, and could only walk like a normal human. Hence why, she wondered how to get in touch with the core memories of Artemis.

I guess Ill try climbing the tree. Was Alissas answer.

That was just a thought of hers, of course. A though which remained a thought, because apparently, she wasn able to do what she thought she could do. The reason why, is because something as abnormal as moving trees decided to interrupt her plans.

Alissa couldn get close to the trees at all, because they would move every time she neared them. For sure, they left Alissa frustrated and without a clue to know how she can view the memory cores.

She… She is not normal... A privacy protection! How?!! Howw?!!!

Alissa was getting more and more frustrated as she continued to chase after the moving trees. She was starting to get tired, and felt like passing out at any moment. Passing out and leaving Artemiss body, obviously…

Thats it! Im certain its impossible! Lets take over this place instead… Maybe thats how I can access her memories. Alissa couldn be more tired, and therefore decided to go with a different approach instead.

With her hands on the ground, Alissa proceeded to spread her desire throughout the place. What happened next, was like the usual. The grass and the ground below her was getting dyed by the color of black-ish gray. This dye continued to spread out further, and swiftly increased its radius until the entire plane is covered in such dye.

Thats what usually happens, but this time, within the memory plane of Artemis, it did not. What prevented such a thing to happen, was another abnormal feat of Artemis. The black dye was never able to spread out beyond a certain radius, and was even fading faster than it was spreading. Artemiss mind was deliberately preventing Alissa from doing anything. Because, the moment Alissas desire gets completely broken down, thats when shell be completely incapable of possessing Artemis.

The abnormal feat that Artemis is showing is basically resistance against possession, but in a monstrous way. Usually, when possessing someone, some kind of force will show up eventually, which is a kind of force that tries to fade Alissas added consciousness.

Elena for example. She gained that kind of force eventually, which became so powerful, that Alissa wasn able to take over her memory plane. Simple reason why, is because the speed of her desire spreading had become incomparable to the speed of the force that erases her desire. As a result, she can not possess Elena any longer.

Artemis however, shes a complete monster. Alissa couldn even spread out her desire beyond three meters, because there was already a resistance that is insanely strong. Perhaps the same thing would have happened if Alissa had tried possessing Mark when he was drugged…

I… Ive failed again…

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