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Wills system Accelerate

作者:Adrian 分類:其他 更新時間:2022-08-08 02:34:48


[Your right lung is about to collapse.]

My right lung is about to collapse, thats bad. I will buy some time, let him talk while using heal. heal activate. Adrian thought

Why did you do all of this. Adrian asked

I will show you.

He touched Adrians forhead. Suddenly! He and Adrian were transported into a dark prison. Kelf was inside the prison, he had legs, his complexion was nornal and he had hair. In front of Kelf was someone.

Please king of time, get me out of here. I swear I will never betray you again.

Kelf you betrayed me and lied to me times and times again. I always gave you another chance but this time you sided with my brother against me. I won forgive you.

King of time please forgive me. Kelf was about to cry.

The king of time was suddenly inside the prison.

Please don do this to me, please.

I really don want to do this but you forced me to do it.


Kelf wanted to say something but the king of time grabbed his head.

Time acceleration: 200 years.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhh. Kelf shouted

Suddenly! Kelf was growing. Every hair on his body fell, then he lost his skin. Kelf turned into a skeleton. The King of Time threw him on the floor.

My brother why do you always force me to do this.

The king was furious, he released a murderous intent so strong that Adrian blood ran cold. Suddenly! the king vanished.

Kelf was there half-dead. There was a bit of his soul left.

What happened to me? Kelf asked

He tried to stand but his bones broke.

That is strange.

He remembered what the king of time has done to him.

There is no way. That could have happened to me. No no no.

He tried to stand up but his remaining bones broke. He was about to die.

That king of time.

Kelf was angry, he wanted revenge. Suddenly another person appeared in front of him(the king of shadows).

Poor Kelf. You see how my brother treats his companions.

Master please help me. I will do everything you want me to do. Please.

Everything. The king of shadows said satisfied.

Kelf was losing his bones every passing second.


That is good.

He grabbed Kelf from the head. Kelf was slowly regaining his bones. He regained all the bones in his upper part.

Ooo-oooo brother that was well played. Your really anticipated that I will do this.

What is it.

He put the gashadokuro curse on you. You have turned into a starved skeleton. I can break the curse directly but there is a way.

What should I do.

I will give you the skill: visualization and merge your soul with a shrine. A boy called Adrian will come, you should make sure that he reaches the underground. After he destroyes the shrine, you will be free.

Ok master.

The king of shadows smilled. He touched Kelf and suddenly he disappeared.

How does he know me and why did he want me to destroy the tower.


[You have gained the skill: Visualization]

Nice. Adrian said

They returned to the forest.


[Your right lung have been healed.]

Adrian smilled devilishly

Why are you smilling boy? Kelf asked

Took you long to come here.

War appeared from behind Kelf. She tried to kill him with her spear.

雅黑 宋體 楷書 卡通
適中 偏大 超大
男聲 女生 逍遙 軟萌
適中 超快
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