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流香小說 > 其他 > Wills system > ???

Wills system ???

作者:Adrian 分類:其他 更新時間:2022-08-08 02:34:48


I was having a nightmare but it was a blur. it was clearly something I didn want to remember. Out of blue someone hit me in the back with full force and I woke up with a scream.

Oi, whats happening to you. Are you ok. Two people shouted.

Adrian was inside the schools cafeteria. Everyone was looking at him, they looked with a mystefied look. Adrian didn want to open his eyes, he was afraid of the person in his dreams. The guy looked at Adrian and said something in-understandable.

Please no, don kill me I will give you anything you want. Adrian fell unconcious

Let us carry him to the hospital. Someone shouted

Three people carried Adrian to the hospital. The nurse saw him, she immediately gestured at them to lay him down.

What happened? The nurse asked

I don know. I just hit him in the back and he began shouting. He was shouting for someone to spare his life then he suddenly fainted. A girl replied

Did this ever happen to him.

No Doctor, this has never happened. A guy replied

From what you described; I guess he is having a psychological trauma. Let him rest a bit.

Adrian was inside a void. A voice of laughing suddenly could be heard in the void. Adrian put his hand on his ears.

Please don kill me, DONT KILL ME.

He woke up with another scream. A girl came running in his direction. She hugged him:

Its ok. She rubbed his hair, her voice was gentle.

Adrian was still in a state of fear.

Its ok, nothing is going to happen to you while I am here. She continued to rub his hair

The girls gentle voice was calming him.

Now slowly open your eyes.

Adrian decided to do as she say; he opened his eyes slowly. He saw the girl, it was the beautiful War.

What happened out there? She asked

Who are you. Adrian didn recognize the girl.

She looked at him with disbelief but she knew that he wasn lying.

Adrian whats happening to you? War was beginning to worry.

Who are you?

Now Wars expression was that of fear.

NURSE, NURSE. She shouted

Immediately the nurse ran towards them.

What happened?

Zuri entered the hospital. he got goosebumps when he saw the expression that was carved in Wars face. He ran towards his brother:

Adrian are you ok. Zuri asked

Adrian also didn recognize Zuri: Who are you? He asked.

A wave of fear hit Zuri. Adrian its me Zuri remember.

Still Adrian didn recognize him.

Thats not good, he lost his memories. Lets take him to the hospital now.

The three of them held Adrian and put him in the nurses car. When all of them entered the car the nurse started the engine. She drove towards the nearest hospital and they took Adrian inside the hospital. They called Gin and told him about the situatuon, he rushed to the hospital. Gin looked like a human this time, he had legs and his complexion was normal.

After checking on him a doctor came to talk with them.

He suffered from an extremely strong shock and a head trauma that affected his brain. And that lead for a complete memory loss. The doctor said

Will he be ok. Like will he regain his memories. War and Gin asked.

The shock that he recieved was something strong. There is a very slim possibility of him recovering. But he probably won recover.

It was as if a wave of cold water hit them.

He pointed at Zuri: He is your brother right. I want you to answer some question, come with me.

Absolutely. He followed the doctor.

Adrian was there sitting at the hospital bed, his eyes were blank. He was really scared because of the man in his dreams. He didn want to reappear again. Zuri and War entered the room.

War you can go home, I will take care of Adrian. Zuri said

I really don have anything to do at home. Beside I can possibly leave him to you can I? War said jokingly.

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